Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cat Claws and Dog Paws

OK, call me a bad mom. But really, if I can eliminate drama, wouldn't you think that would make me a good mom??? Well, let me tell you, it has been over a year since we lost our beloved cat...Sadly, I can't remember his name. Really, honestly, we did love him, he was a long, dark haired feline. (Since I posted this post, my gal reminded me his name was Smokey and the one before that was Prince... They both ran away! Imagine!) It's 11:32 pm and can you really expect me to remember? I've been insisting for a year we would love a cat, but why should we get a cat if our dogs will just insist it leave the premises???

Well let me tell you, our great friend Cathy does not want to be known as the cat woman. (She really is NOT the cat woman.) Out of kindness she said she would give us Pumpkin, a beautiful long haired, orange, neutered Kittie! One condition we insisted on was this cat be MEAN or in other words, able to defend itself against two canines who not only try to herd cats, but like to eat them for lunch.

Needless to say, all did not go well! Pumpkin made it here for a total of 5.3 seconds. He was in the vehicle. As Cathy and I unloaded his paraphernalia, Pumpkin made a bee-line for the door, made it out and past Sheba...Sheba is a LARGE collie, she thinks she owns the world. She DOES own the world... Or at least her part of the world, here on the farm.

Prior to this, my little munchkin and I made a special trip into town a good fifteen miles from here, to purchase new dog collars at the local Rural King....Shep has his new John Deere collar. The yellow looked great against his tan and black fur...Sheba's looked lovely with her green John Deere collar against her sable and white fur... However, Miss Queen of Sheba finagled (Is that really a word? Did I really spell it incorrectly?) her collar off of her slender neck and high tailed it across the timber after Pumpkin. Let me tell you, the shrieking began. Oh, and it wasn't the cat, I think it was me!

Pumpkin ran up one of the many trees only to jump down and chase Sheba!!!! Then Sheba chased Pumpkin through the timber...several acres of timber... and the rest is history...Sheba has been relegated to the garage, Shep to the horse trailer and we've left the porch light on for Pumpkin.

We hope to see Pumpkin soon. We didn't even get to pet him or give him treats. The front porch has his food, water, bed, toy mouse, just waiting. And my youngest yahoo prayed for Pumpkin tonight. He started to say Pumpkin's name, then said, "Oh, it's just a cat." The Big Daddy said, "It's OK. You can pray for him." I have sad children tonight, a lost cat and two miserable dogs. We're all praying he comes back!

Next time, would someone remind it's OK to say no...we really don't relish the drama around here! I'll keep you posted on doggie obedience school, my children's therapy and any news on missing and exploited cats!

1 comment:

Joni said...

What a story!! I could have just seen it all happening!! Please don't leave Shep and Sheba in bondage for know they are dogs..dogs made to chase cats!!
Love ya Dee Dee!!